Stop your dog's behavior problems

Going from "untrained, overaggressive" to "tame, fully obedient" isn¡¯t as easy as all these so called "experts" claim it to be. You¡¯ve had advice from expert dog trainers, you¡¯ve tried their plans, you¡¯ve spent numerous amounts of money on their services, you may have even tried electronic shock collars (did you know that they lower your dog¡¯s immune system making them susceptible to illness?).... and now you¡¯re reading this because all your hard work, time, and money has done you no good. You¡¯re still stuck with the same old disobedient dog. Most dog obedience training courses are based on theories "so and so" said, that all rely on punishing your dog whenever he doesn¡¯t listen. They never reveal proven strategies that show exactly how to make your dog UNDERSTAND what you are communicating to him, without forcing you to pull your hair out! They don¡¯t discuss the most vital part of getting your dog to learn new things! (Which is making sure he understands what you are trying to get him to do!) You don¡¯t need some "scientifically calculated" dog training program based on hours of repetition that¡¯s impossible to follow (not to mention doesn¡¯t work). For example, anyone who tells you that if you rub your dog¡¯s nose in his own urine to house train your dog doesn¡¯t know what they¡¯re talking about. Just because you rub a dog¡¯s nose in urine doesn¡¯t mean your dog will understand why you are doing that, or learn not to urinate inside! In fact, punishing your dog in such a way without him understanding why, will frustrate him and will stunt his learning, making it impossible to get him trained! Stop your dog's behavior problems